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HairyHammer 10:03 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
No it is not, you could have had a 40 000 march and it would have changed nothing that happened on that pitch.

Those who ran onto the pitch would still have done the same thing.

Buster 10:07 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
I make Hatred and Griffin both spot on.

Does Ramsgate reside in 130, as Moritz suggests?

chelmsfordhammer 10:09 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Today would have happened with or without the march. the only ones to blame for the current debacle are those in the directors box.

HairyHammer 10:10 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Leonard Hatred

Where I do agree with you but only slightly is going into the march we were all one but when he said it was cancelled and then went onto social media he divided some fans by what he said, that is true.
But as for the players playing like shit and The chairmen being very tight and selling us a shit bollocks dream that is normal West ham and today was no different, apart from a few frustrated peeps running on to the pitch.

Texas Iron 10:15 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Saw him on a video with Morgan.
Pair of Thick Cunts...paid off by Sullivan obviously...re March and commemts..FICK...Neanderthals...

Vexed 10:16 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
"Today would have happened with or without the march"

Idiot talk. Definitely wouldn't have happened and kid wager we would have got something out of the game today if it wasn't for the mess wankers like AS have created.

istabraq 10:17 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Swallow didnt sell us a pup the board did that.now is the time to keep the pressure up and get them out.

jim@chickenrun 10:19 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
This is gold and Sullivan's fault,moving us to this shithole has ripped the soul out of the club and got us fighting amongst ourselves...

After8 10:23 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
This rebounded spectacularly on the board

Jose+ 10:23 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Andy Swallow sounds like a walking cringe machine......

.....an untrustworthy one at that.

Not sure what anyone expected from today though. He isn't the source of the discontent that has been building for months and months.

Our league position. The timing. The importance of the points at stake. Today was always going to be a tinder box and the pea-brained will always think running on the pitch achieves something......

claret upstart 10:27 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
what happened at 1pm at the podium bar? Thought all questions were going to be answered then.

On The Ball 10:29 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Leonard is absolutely right.

Gavros 10:30 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
He's probably helped the cause massively, but not in the way he intended.

HairyHammer 10:38 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
Bloody hell it seems even on this issue we are divided.

Lily Hammer 11:04 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
The buck stops at the owners, as they went ahead and moved us from and demolished our imperfect but beloved home for that abortion of a Stadium. If they were fans they wouldn’t have moved for this.

Gavros 11:14 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
the point that hasnt even been mentioned is that their original plan was not to move the seating at all.

think its bad now...

CR 11:16 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
I think by cancelling the march it made people feel that they had no way of expressing the anger they felt. There was something in the atmosphere at the ground today, I wasn’t surprised when it kicked off.

Crassus 11:20 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
They moved the club for 'the next level' which became 'no more than £10m a year' and because we were 'tinpot'

Yeah righto cuntchomps, not very tinpot today was it and will become increasingly moreso as Baroness Spreadlegs and her neveau popcorners take flight as the clubs true 'stakeholders' make claim

Spandex Sidney 11:21 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
cuzoftheeast 9:54 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
I sit in the same row as AS

He looked genuinely gutted today

As he drove off in his new BMW

Gavros 11:24 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.

I mentioned to some no west ham about the bung story...they were shocked. of course it is all speculation...well apart from that part when one iron said he was offered money and turned it down.

Leonard Hatred 11:26 Sat Mar 10
Re: This is all Andy Swallow's fault.
It was a weird atmosphere today.
Immediately after the second goal went in, the whole gaff...SEETHED.

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